Summer 1973


A home on S Demaree St experienced prowling activity, and then a few weeks later, the same residence was ransacked. There isn't enough information available to us to determine whether this was a Visalia Ransacker incident or not, but the basic information is found within the VR police files.

VR #001: Prowler

May 1973 | S Demaree St

This incident is missing one or more key pieces of the VR's MO and may not be related.


VR #002: Ransacking

June 1973 | S Demaree St

This incident is missing one or more key pieces of the VR's MO and may not be related.


Map of the location of this ransacking.

A map showing the VR's attack zone, and the location of these two incidents.

The base image is © OpenMap contributors. Modifications made by the authors of the website.

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