
The Beginning

In the small farm town of Visalia, CA, a string of odd incidents only tenuously related to the carnage to come began to occur. As the spring of 1974 began to take shape, it seemed a fledgling burglar was cutting his teeth in the area, ramping up his unique style of crime in May.


Strong strokes of anger, obsession, and the capacity for violence began to manifest itself in the serial offender known only in passing as "The Ransacker." The VR began evolving from a perverted peeper to a criminal who intended to take his compulsions even further.

A Violent Offender

1975 continued at a slower pace -- that is until August and September when machinations for violent, sexually motivated crimes were set in motion. This phase of the Visalia Ransacker tragically ended in the murder of a brave man saving his daughter from the deranged Ransacker.

Final Months

Even though he had just committed murder, the Visalia Ransacker didn't miss a beat. He continued to obsesively stalk certain households, he attempted to enter two homes in the middle of the night while the residents were inside, and when finally cornered, he opened fire on a police officer.

The footpath that runs along the northern border of the Visalia Ransacker's attack area.

The footpath that runs along the northern border of the Visalia Ransacker's attack area. It's believed that he frequently used this to traverse the city during the night.

An area of Evan's Ditch

Evan's Ditch is a geographic feature of the city that runs through a large portion of the attack area. Based on the locations of the homes that the VR struck, it seems likely that he used it to scout for unoccupied homes.

The pal tree where the VR hid

This is the exact location where the Visalia Ransacker hid after shooting Officer McGowen. Evidence showed that he stayed here for an unknown period of time before escaping the area and evading capture.

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