Witness Composite Sketches

This is a sketch that routinely appeared in newspapers. It's exact origin is unknown, though it looks similar to the composite featured below and may have been a rerendering of it with simplified lines.

This was the first composite created of the man who shot at Officer McGowen. It seems to be the most popular, with the newspapers running it more frequently than any of the other composites.
The design on the shirt is supposed to represent a brown and green camoflauge pattern.

This is a second attempt at creating a sketch of the Visalia Ransacker, as he appeared on the night he shot at Officer McGowen (December 10th, 1975).
This composite sometimes appears with the artist's signature and date -- the date is written in as 1975, but it was actually created in 1976.

Profile view of the Visalia Ransacker as he appeared on the night he shot at Officer McGowen. It was created at the same time as the sketch above.